Alexandru Harsanyi writes:
> The date showing needs internationalization, indeed. Not only the date
> format, but the day that starts the week should also be
> internationalized. In some parts of the world the week starts on
> Sunday, but in Romania it starts on Monday. I programed the code by
> the Romanian rules, where 01/08/99 means 1 August 1999.
> Someone on the gnucash list said he is working on the i18n part. I
> thought of leting him solve the problem, or at least guide me on how
> to do it, until than, we can leave it that way. There are other more
> important things, IMHO,
> Best Regards,
> Alex.
I'm currently working on i18n but just to display messages according
to user locales with gettext. Gettext do not resolve the date format. I
don't know what is the common way to make it work. But standard
function as strftime use locales to display date, isn't this
sufficient ?
Normally I will send a patch for messages internationalization next
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