>>>>> "Heath" == Heath Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Heath> Hi Alexandru,

    Heath> You've mentioned you are working on the code in
    Heath> gnucash/src/gnome, and you also noticed a while back a
    Heath> problem with loading a file from the toolbar.  In case you
    Heath> haven't tracked that down yet, it's in the file open
    Heath> callback in the function gnc_ui_filemenu_cb in
    Heath> window-main.c.  We need to make a call to
    Heath> gnc_ui_acct_ctree_fill there to fill the tree.

I have not toouched the code in window-main.c yet. I just posted a
patch for the window register code, and now I plan to move to the
window-main.c -- I found some bugs in it. However Jeremy has posted a
patch for that bug, and now it's fixed.

    Heath> When I worked on that file a while back, I added a function
    Heath> gnc_ui_refresh_tree, and this gets called by
    Heath> refreshMainWindow.  When a file is specified on the command
    Heath> line, mainWindow calls gnc_ui_acct_ctree_fill, but when the
    Heath> file is opened from the menu, the callback only calls
    Heath> refreshMainWindow, and of course the tree isn't filled.
    Heath> Also, the call to gnc_ui_acct_ctree_fill needs to be
    Heath> removed from gnc_ui_refresh_tree, since every time the tree
    Heath> is refreshed, the _fill puts another copy in with it.

    Heath> But, when a new file is opened, we also need to be sure to
    Heath> unfill the current ctree, because otherwise a ctree_refresh
    Heath> is going to find stale pointers and do a segfault.  I'm not
    Heath> sure quite when to clear the current ctree; ideally
    Heath> gncFileOpen would return a TRUE/FALSE value saying whether
    Heath> a new file was actually opened, and then we could either
    Heath> clear the tree or not.

    Heath> Also, in your work in dialog-add.c, shouldn't the call to
    Heath> gtk_ctree_insert_node in the function
    Heath> gnc_ui_accWindow_create_callback insert the node as a
    Heath> non-leaf (i.e., the next to last argument should be FALSE).
    Heath> If it's inserted as a leaf, then we can't add any subnodes
    Heath> to it.

    Heath> I would do some of this, but I knew you were already
    Heath> working on some of these files, so maybe you've already
    Heath> fixed all of this.  Let me know one way or the other.

I have not touched that part of the code. I supposed adding the new
account to the main window works. However, I'm not working on
dialog-add.c so if you want to make some modifications you will not
interfere with me, just go ahead.

Best regards,

    Heath> Best Regards, Heath Martin

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