*** Regarding Re: My Understanding Of The Engine ;

cbbrowne> It's not clear to me that it is necessary to do the
cbbrowne> "commits" when doing this stuff en mase; I'll see how that
cbbrowne> goes.

I used the xaccTransBeginEdit() function with the defer flag set.  In
this case it is required to use xaccTransCommitEdit() according to the
Transaction.h include file.  At least that is how I interpret the

cbbrowne> As far as I can tell, there's not a separate thread of
cbbrowne> execution; once my Guile code gets running, it appears to
cbbrowne> have control over the whole system until it's done.

That makes sense although Rob seemed to voice concern that that may
not always be the case.

Per Bojsen                                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Lexington, MA 02421-8317
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