I think I have finally come to the point of understanding how the
GnuCash "engine" works, which should let me start to load in
transactions Real Soon Now.

I thought I should validate my assumptions, though.  I suspect that
Linas/Rob are likely to be the main people that "properly grok it."

QIF essentially provides a structure that sort of looks like:
  (deposit 500 salary)
  (withdraw 300 rent)
  (transfer 200 mastercard))

Asset account
    --> Bunch of transactions, implicitly associated with it
    --> That are also associated with income/expense accounts

This must be transformed to something more like:
- Account points to list of splits, each split points to a transaction

Accounts look (somewhat loosely, omitting information unneccessary for
exposition purposes) in general form, like:

(account  (list-of-splits))
  where each split consists of
  (amount account-reference transaction-reference)

For the above QIF file, it would look like:
   (500 'chequing 'deposit)
   (-300 'chequing 'withdraw)
   (-200 'chequing 'transfer))

   (200 'mastercard 'transfer))

   (-500 'salary 'deposit))

   (-500 'rent 'withdraw))
Transactions look like a list of splits, of general form:
(transaction-reference  (list-of-splits))
where the splits have the same form as before, 
(amount account-reference transaction-reference)
   (500 'chequing 'deposit)
   (-500 'salary 'deposit))

   (-300 'chequing 'withdraw)
   (-500 'rent 'withdraw))

   (200 'mastercard 'transfer)
   (-200 'chequing 'transfer))

It seems to make sense for a "Gnucash Split" to be defined as:

(define gnc-split-structure 
        '(memo action reconcile-state
          reconciled-date docref share-amount
          share-price account

Note that this includes the "c-split" component, which would be
populated using the C address of the split.  This way we maintain the
data from both sides of the Lisp<==>C "boundary."  I suspect that it
may also be necessary to include a couple additional "C pointer
references" that allow referencing the C pointers to the account and
the transaction.

Creating a new split might look like this:

(define (initialize-split)   ;;; Returns a gnc-split-structure
    (let ((ptr (gnc:split-create))
        (splitstruct (build-mystruct-instance gnc-split-structure)))
      (splitstruct 'put 'gncpointer ptr)

Am I way off here?  Or does this sound like the right direction?
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