On Tue, November 17 1998, John Fieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[ good points explaining why an open data standard is important for
users, especially in the Open Source context ]

|That said, for some applications, SGML is just a pain in the butt
|as a native working format for data.  The data associated with
|GnuCash, for instance, is textbook relational database material
|and it is probably best to treat it as such for internal storage
|and manipulation.

I'll tend to agree with you that it might be a mess to deal with, but
it looks like gnumeric manage quite well.  So it's true that a
spreadsheet isn't a relational database, but they still can handle
very large sets of data, so what's the big difference between that and
having a couple of tables with relations between them?  Especially
that you can have Gnumeric's experience and tools to draw on.

I don't expect GNUcash to keep updating the XML file on-the-fly.  If
the file is too large to contain in memory or you want to provide more
crash-resistance then maybe some sort of a hacked, binary,
proprietary-format checkpoint file is in order, but why not use XML as
the "official" format gnucash can deal with directly without extra
steps to convert?

|HOWEVER, XML is excellent for data transfer between applications
|or application modules and a lossles conversion to/from XML would
|be extremely valuable but requires some careful thinking about
|how best to package it.  Think QIF only a whole lot more

QIF++ - that's the sort of thing I envisioned.

As for contributing - today I got first hints that there is a chance
I'll be able to find an excuse to move into CORBA at my main
workplace, making it much easier to learn the usefull stuff to help
with this myself.



--Amos Shapira                    | "Of course Australia was marked for
133 Shlomo Ben-Yosef st.          |  glory, for its people had been chosen
Jerusalem 93 805                  |  by the finest judges in England."
ISRAEL        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |                     -- Anonymous
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