
I'm looking to contribute to the Welsh translation of GNOME.

A team exists <https://l10n.gnome.org/teams/cy/> and I've reached out to the 
coordinator, however it appears to be inactive: hardly any translations 
uploaded in the past few years (none committed I don't think), no committers or 
reviewers, the team's webpage hasn't existed in over a decade, etc.

I've also searched through the gnome-i18n archives and the last reference I can 
find to the Welsh team was in August 2010 
<https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-i18n/2010-August/thread.html>, which 
also flagged the team's inactivity. The coordinator back then seemed happy to 
hand over, but it doesn't look like anything happened (though do let me know if 
I am wrong!)

I'm keen to submit translations however want to make sure that they actually 
get committed. I'd be happy to take on coordinating if possible - grateful for 
advice on how to proceed.

Kind regards,

gnome-i18n mailing list

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