Hi all,

I hope that Apps for GNOME has reached a somewhat stable state now. I am planning to do an "officialy" announce of the webiste on the upcoming Thursday. So at least you have a few days left to get your language included for the announcement :)

@Matej: Sorry for taking so long to reply. I was quite busy with the project.

With "category" you mean things like "gnome-infrastructure" or "gnome-extras"? My Circle app is currently in "gnome-extras." I will ask the Circle Committee if we could encourage the creation of such a category. Personally, I think it is a great idea!

I think concerning the POT this is a missunderstanding. Other apps' content don't appear there. My previous explanation was quite unclear. Maybe the translation paragraph in my blogpost can clarify things a bit? <https://blogs.gnome.org/sophieh/2021/08/15/apps-for-gnome-on-its-mark/>


On Tue, Aug 10, 2021 at 11:44, Matej Urban <matej.ur...@gmail.com> wrote:
as mentioned before (sorry, can not find the mailing), I suggest creating a category GNOME Circle and add all of those to d-l, or these will probably not get translated. Looking at the strings I also noticed, that strings, taken from the Program PO, should be clearly commented in the POT, or the translators won't know, where those are shown.
Thank you,


On Tue, Aug 10, 2021 at 10:30 AM Sophie Herold <sophieher...@gnome.org <mailto:sophieher...@gnome.org>> wrote:
Dear translators,

the "Apps for GNOME" website now also has translatable strings. Can someone add it to d-l?


General information for translators: For the app dependent parts on the page (<https://world.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/apps-for-gnome/>), all strings originate from the app's project itself. If you want to fix or translate those parts of the website, you will have to use the app's module on d-l.

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