On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 10:14 AM Ask Hjorth Larsen via
desktop-devel-list <desktop-devel-l...@gnome.org> wrote:
> Am Mi., 24. Apr. 2019 um 13:57 Uhr schrieb Michael Gratton <m...@vee.net>:
> >
> > On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 13:31, Daniel Mustieles García
> > <daniel.mustie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > So hardcoding the name "mainline" to the list of branches that Damned
> > > Lies' looks up resolves the problem for you... and tomorrow another
> > > maintainer decides to rename it's master branch to
> > > whatever_non_offensive_name and DL breaks again until a patch is
> > > submited... no, sorry but this is not a solution for this.
> >
> > I agree, which is why I have been working to fix it places where it's
> > hard coded.
> When actually working on the project, you probably type the branch
> name now and then.  This means you need to be aware of it - it is a
> piece of information which must reside within your short-term memory.
> This is not a problem if you work on one project.  It is a problem if
> you work on hundreds of projects.  Then you need to run things like
> git branch and git status, read the output, and decide what to type
> based on that.  A good workflow seeks to minimize the risk that humans
> make mistakes, and that means making things as simple as possible.
> Please do not remove this particular piece of simplicity from our
> lives.

Hi Ask,

Note that you don't need to script this kind of stuff, if you use the
following tricks:

# 1. This creates a symbolic link from master to mainline, which
solves your problem already.
$ git symbolic-ref refs/heads/master refs/heads/mainline

# 2. This worfklow doesn't even need you to specify a branch if you
start from mainline/master
$ git checkout -b feature/....
# work, work, work and commit
# If you no longer want to continue on this branch, you can go back to
the previous one with
$ git checkout -

Also note that cloning Geary will immediately take you to the default
branch of the remote (so no need to specify 'mainline' or anything).

> I can also script my way out of this for most of the tasks I need to
> do.  But inconsistencies have never made life easier in computing, and
> this is an inconsistency which we could simply choose not to deal
> with.

We _could_, but if we want to (which is still Mike's decision as
maintainer of Geary), we can. Every change has its trade-offs, and
given the work Mike has put into this to make it a smooth(er)
transition, I'd say there is little inconsistency left to care about.
At least it would take less time then all the mails I (in hindsight
regrettably) read on d-d-l.

Kind regards,

> Best regards
> Ask
> >
> > //Mike
> >
> > --
> > ⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
> > ⚙ <http://mjog.vee.net/>
> >
> >
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