Hi Michael,

As I've already commented in https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/geary/issues/403,
having a "mainline" branch instead of a "master" branch is confusing for
applications like Damned Lies, breaking for example cherry-picks from other
branches to "master" branch, as it doesn't exist.

Stable branches can be named with your own nomenclature (no need to name
them gnome-x.yy) but I would encourage you to keep the "master" branch. It
is the standard name for GNOME's development branches and helps developers
and contributors to identify where to look up the last version of the
source code.

If every GNOME's module begins naming it's "master" branch to whatever the
maintainer wants, this will be a chaos... I don't know where is the
advantage of this renaming (we don't belong to Linux kernel develpment, as
exposed in #324), but coherence across modules should be kept.


El mié., 24 abr. 2019 a las 3:46, Michael Gratton (<m...@vee.net>) escribió:

> Hi all,
> Just a quick heads-up for people who have use git directly for
> traslating Geary: As part of
> https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/geary/issues/324 The `master` branch has
> been renamed to `mainline`. Same great content (and command line
> completion prefix), snazzy new name. :)
> So it would be worth doing a `git fetch && git checkout mainline` ASAP,
> cherry pick any pending commits you have on the master branch, then
> deleting the old branch to avoid committing more changes to it in the
> future (`git branch --delete master && git remote prune origin`).
> This change happened a few weeks ago, my apologies for not letting
> everyone on the list know sooner.
> Cheers!
> //Mike
> --
> ⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
> ⚙ <http://mjog.vee.net/>
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