Þann fös 5.jan 2018 11:49, skrifaði Rafael Fontenelle:
2017-12-30 15:15 GMT-02:00 Piotr Drąg <piotrd...@gmail.com>:
2017-12-30 17:48 GMT+01:00 Changwoo Ryu <cw...@debian.org>:
2017-12-30 16:12 GMT+09:00 Sveinn í Felli <s...@fellsnet.is>:
When trying to submit gimp.po-windows-installer.master.is.po to the
repository, I get this:
[An error occurred during applying your action: The commit failed. The error
was: “[Errno 1] b"remote: translations user cannot modify
'po-windows-installer/LINGUAS' \nTo ssh://git.gnome.org/git/gimp\n ! [remote
rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)\nerror: failed to
push some refs to 'ssh://git.gnome.org/git/gimp'\n"”]
Any idea what's going on?
Is Icelandic missing from the LINGUAS-file?
If your translation is new, the Icelandic language code should be
added in the LINGUAS file. Currently DL can't do that automatically.
Ask someone with git access (team coordinator?) to do that manually.
Damned Lies can’t upload new translations in case of help documents.
Here a git hook needs to be adjusted by the admin.
I think Sveinn hit the problem of a new UI module with non-standard PO
directory ("po-windows-installer/") being declined by pre-receive hook
because it was not manually included as valid yet. I requested
sysadmins to adjust and it should be working fine now. At least, it
worked just fine for me, but it wasn't a new translation.
Sveinn, please try again.
To quote Damned Lies directly: "The file has been successfully committed
to the repository".
Thanks a lot Rafael.
Best ,
gnome-i18n mailing list