2017-12-30 16:12 GMT+09:00 Sveinn í Felli <s...@fellsnet.is>:
> When trying to submit gimp.po-windows-installer.master.is.po to the
> repository, I get this:
> [An error occurred during applying your action: The commit failed. The error
> was: “[Errno 1] b"remote: translations user cannot modify
> 'po-windows-installer/LINGUAS' \nTo ssh://git.gnome.org/git/gimp\n ! [remote
> rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)\nerror: failed to
> push some refs to 'ssh://git.gnome.org/git/gimp'\n"”]
> Any idea what's going on?
> Is Icelandic missing from the LINGUAS-file?

If your translation is new, the Icelandic language code should be
added in the LINGUAS file. Currently DL can't do that automatically.
Ask someone with git access (team coordinator?) to do that manually.
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