Hi Uwe,

On Sat, 4 Feb 2017 20:47:55 +0100
Uwe Scholz <u.schol...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi Gnome translators,
> I currently updated Gnome Commander to use the "New Documentation
> Infrastructure" (*) using yelp. The Gnome Commander documentation is
> still written in DocBook format.
> I decided to include the text of GPLv2 in the docu and did this by
> saving the official GPLv2 docbook text (**) in legal.xml and inserting
> it in index.docbook by the line
> <xi:include href="legal.xml" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/> 
> My question to you is: Is this the right way to include the GPL
> text into the documentation of Gnome Commander? Will it lead to
> problems for the translators? Or is there another, official way of
> doing that? 

I think that itstool will pick up the strings from legal.xml just fine but
it's a lot of extra strings for translation. IANAL but maybe you could just
include a standard legal notice there, such as:

This manual is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation...

I see you already distribute the full text of the license in

Note that the standard license for GNOME docs is not GPL, which is better
suited for code, but Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.
> Thanks for any advice on this. You can find the current status of my
> work here: https://github.com/gcmd/gnome-commander/tree/use-yelp/doc/C

Looking at https://github.com/gcmd/gnome-commander/tree/use-yelp/doc/C,
I'm wondering, would it be better to move releases.xml into a separate
document? Such as Release Notes? Again, that would save translators
interested in translating the manual only lots of work.

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