Hi Gnome translators,

I currently updated Gnome Commander to use the "New Documentation
Infrastructure" (*) using yelp. The Gnome Commander documentation is
still written in DocBook format.

I decided to include the text of GPLv2 in the docu and did this by
saving the official GPLv2 docbook text (**) in legal.xml and inserting
it in index.docbook by the line

<xi:include href="legal.xml" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/> 

My question to you is: Is this the right way to include the GPL
text into the documentation of Gnome Commander? Will it lead to
problems for the translators? Or is there another, official way of
doing that? 

Thanks for any advice on this. You can find the current status of my
work here: https://github.com/gcmd/gnome-commander/tree/use-yelp/doc/C

Best wishes,

(**) https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.dbk
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