2015-09-07 20:21 GMT+02:00 Jonas Danielsson <the.sa...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I would like a freeze break for Maps. I would like to add the command
> line option '--local' to use local tiles from a directory supplied.
> The directory should have the standard...
>    zoom-level/X/Y.png
> structure.
> With this people would be able to use available tools to download
> tiles and will be able to use them in Maps using the --local switch.
> It is in preperation for when we can allow downloading through Maps.
> So it is a bit of a hidden feature. But I would like it in for testing
> and for because it can be useful today.
> There are a new string included in this. An error message when the we
> cannot find the correct directory structure in the supplied path.
> In lib/maps-file-tile-source.c:
> "Failed to find tile structure in directory"
> I have recoreded a cast of the feature that you can see here:
> https://youtu.be/TWIwWYeE1u0
> Where I open a diretory that contains Gothenbourg, zoom-levels 14,15,16 and 
> 17.
> The world is restricted to that bounding-box and those zoom-levels.
> The code can be found on the branch: wip/jonasdn/local-tiles

The --local switch description ('A path to a local tiles directory
structure') should be marked for translation as well, if it's visible
to the user (in --help, I guess?).

Provided this gets fixed, I give 1/2 from i18n, as it's a low profile
change that brings enough value.

Best regards,

Piotr Drąg
gnome-i18n mailing list

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