
I would like a freeze break for Maps. I would like to add the command
line option '--local' to use local tiles from a directory supplied.

The directory should have the standard...


With this people would be able to use available tools to download
tiles and will be able to use them in Maps using the --local switch.

It is in preperation for when we can allow downloading through Maps.
So it is a bit of a hidden feature. But I would like it in for testing
and for because it can be useful today.

There are a new string included in this. An error message when the we
cannot find the correct directory structure in the supplied path.

In lib/maps-file-tile-source.c:
"Failed to find tile structure in directory"

I have recoreded a cast of the feature that you can see here:

Where I open a diretory that contains Gothenbourg, zoom-levels 14,15,16 and 17.
The world is restricted to that bounding-box and those zoom-levels.

The code can be found on the branch: wip/jonasdn/local-tiles

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