Le dimanche 25 août 2013 à 06:53 -0400, Chris Leonard a écrit :
> Step two of [1] is also (perhaps) complete.
> A fontconfig exists for qu
> http://cgit.freedesktop.org/fontconfig/tree/fc-lang/qu.orth
> Do we need to file a ticket requesting this be copied over to quz?

I don't know exactly how it works, but probably, yes.

> Given what we have already, can quz be set up in Damned Lies yet?

Sure. Just take a POT file on l10n.gnome.org, translate it (at least
partially) to quz and I'll commit it to initialize the quz team.
Wile should also create an account on l10n.gnome.org so I can set him up
as team coordinator.


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