On Fri, 2013-03-22 at 15:46 +0100, Olav Vitters wrote:
> Any idea how that could be implemented? I am willing to make it happen,
> just don't see how. E.g. figure out exactly which line is the Keywords
> line, etc.

        Grep for a line that starts with
 #: ../
        and includes the string
        then find the next line that starts with
        and ends with
        then count the number of ; in that specific line,
        compare that number with the next line that starts with
        and which is not
msgstr ""
        which would mean not translated yet.
        Trigger a warning if the number is not the same.
        Or something like that. Cough. Sounds error-prone.

Andre Klapper  |  ak...@gmx.net

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