El ds 03 de 09 de 2011 a les 22:33 +0200, en/na Andre Klapper va
> Hi,
> Yesterday I tried to contact ~17 GNOME translation team leaders of teams
> that look like losing translation coverage[1]. 
> (In general I think that the GNOME translation community should be more
> active in identifying potential problems and help with outreach to
> downstream translation teams[2][3][4].
> I'm interested in thoughts of others on this.)

I left Desktop Summit with this idea floating around, thanks for
bringing it up.

Yes definitely is a must-do. LibreOffice, Firefox or Wikipedia have more
translation teams than GNOME, so...
- Which ones are we missing?
- How we can encourage them to start translating GNOME?
- How can make it easier for them to start with?

And some more questions can arise, the second one (outreaching) is the
key, but how to tackle it? Just spamming them? :) Contacting with the
LibreOffice/Firefox/Wikipedia/whatever project l10n coordinators to ask
them about how to tackle their translation community? There's plenty of
debate around, anyone taking a lead?


> As a first result to mention here, I received a 550 delivery failure for
> the email address of the Dzongkha team[5] leader (CC'ed).
> How to proceed? Make it a "There is currently no established team for
> this language." on l10n.gnome.org for the time being?
> Contact downstream teams whether they somebody is interested in helping
> upstream?
> andre
> [1] 
> http://l10n.gnome.org/releases/compare/ui/2-20/2-22/2-24/2-26/2-28/2-30/2-32/3-0/3-2/
> [2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N_Teams
> [3] http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Localization_team
> [4] https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/ubuntu-translators
> [5] http://l10n.gnome.org/languages/dz/

Gil Forcada

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