Lucian Adrian Grijincu wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 8:06 PM, Petr Kovar <> wrote:
> > FWIW, the website has been already made available for
> > localization to translators some time ago, see the git module:
> >
> >
> >
> > The DL module page with available translations is here:
> >
> >
> Seems like a few languages have translated the website.
> Are there any plans to also make the website present it's content
> translated to the users? I can only see it in English.

At the moment the translated pages are only available via browser
content negociation, it will be fixed, but I still did not have
time for this. (if someone is interested there is working code in the
library-web module)

> Is the website supposed to be used after the Gnome3 launch?
> Now it contains text like: „GNOME 3 is scheduled for release in April 2011”...
> This text is likely to change come April 6th, so, to have it
> translated by the launch date, we should have strings available
> beforehand.
> Any such plans?

I don't know; but it's certainly doable; we will have time next week
at the release hackfest to be sure everything goes well and translated
on release day.

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