Andreas & Allan: is the text on easy to package up for
translation? And once you have the localized strings, can you make it
possible for people to view their preferred language version of the
website, either at a different URL or through some kind of
i18n-detection magic?
Andre & Licio, some answers below:
On 02/28/2011 01:02 PM, Andre Klapper wrote:
On Mon, 2011-02-28 at 12:35 -0500, Sumana Harihareswara wrote:
GNOME translators:
Allan Day and I are coordinating the marketing of the GNOME 3.0
release. If we want to ask you to translate some of our materials (for
example, the tagline, the FAQ, and a 500-word summary of what's new in
GNOME 3), what format should we provide the original text in, and how
far in advance do you need the text?
1) What formats are possible/available?
2) The earlier the better, as there are also release notes to translate
that are traditionally last-minute and might be way bigger this time? Do
you ask for a deadline?
I'm sorry for the delay in response. I think the materials are in a few
different formats:
The Talking Points are just on the wiki, in wiki markup:
The website, especially the front page and the FAQ -- not
sure what the format is, asking Allan & Andreas.
The tagline is "Made of Easy" and that's just that string.
Yes, earlier would be better! Licio, can you coordinate from here?
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