"Nguyen Thai Ngoc Duy" <pclo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> To: "Lucian Adrian Grijincu" <lucian.griji...@gmail.com>

> > The font is quite limited with respect to character coverage. For
> > example it does not have all characters required for the Romanian
> > language (I've recently added those characters and sent a message to
> > the maintainer).
> >
> > I suggest the other language teams see if the font has support for
> > all
> > characters needed for their language.
> I see now why text in my laptop looks crappy (I'm testing Vietnamese
> version of gnome-shell). Any way to set default font per locale?

Bit in a hurry at the monent, so I'll quote a relevant IRC conversation from 
yesterday that hopefully points you in the right direction. Let us know how it 
turns out. This was in the context of discussing the fontconfig snippet 
installed by the Fedora Cantarell package which was making it part of 
sans-serif which we didn't want, and what should be in there instead.

<owen>  cosimoc: we do need a fontconfig snippet
<owen>  cosimoc: the current plan is to make Cantarell inherently a weak 
binding so that if you specify Cantarell then it will get reordered behind 
stuff in sans-serif if it doesn't support the current language
<cosimoc>       owen, right now if I parse that snippet correctly, all it does 
is setting cantarell as default for sans-serif in the whole system
<cosimoc>       owen, which breaks KDE on fedora
<owen>  cosimoc: I'm saying, we need *some* snippet, not that we need *that* 
<cosimoc>       owen, oh fair enough :)
<mclasen>       cosimoc: can you try to figure out what snippet we might need ? 
<cosimoc>       mclasen, my guess is we don't need any until we have the weak 
binding thing owen mentioned sorted out
<owen>  cosimoc: if someone is goign to modfiy the cantarell package, they 
really should try to come up with the weak Feb <cosimoc>       owen, I'm the 
package owner so I guess it's my turn to learn how fontconfig works
cosimoc: I think that what you need to do is to match on the Cantarell family 
name, and then replace it with the Cantarell family name, but as a weak binding
<owen>  <match target="pattern">
<owen>  <test qual="any" name="family"><string>Cantarell</string></test>
<owen>  <edit name="family" mode="assign" 
<owen>  </match>
<owen>  cosimoc: the test to see whether that works is that
<owen>  pango-view --language=vi --font 'Cantarell 12' --text 'Nguyễn Thái Ngọc 
<owen>  should show that name all in Deja Vu instead of having a ransom-note 
mix of Deja Vu and Cantarell
<owen>  (that's the GNOME Vietnamese translator's name)

I apologize for using your name there - it was just the first Vietnamese text I 
found opening a .po file :-)

- Owen
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