A Dimecres, 16 de febrer de 2011, Claude Paroz va escriure:
> Dear translators,
> You know that some freedesktop.org packages on which GNOME and KDE (and
> other environments) depend are translated on the Transifex platform.
> Currently, there is very few control on who can translate those
> packages, which can result in a lack of consistency in the translations.
> We propose to set up freedesktop.org teams on Transifex, and only people
> we know are active on respective translation projects (or other publicly
> known translation projects) will be accepted in those teams. 

This does not seem very open source-y to me, are you efectively saying that a 
person that has not previously translated something will be not accepted? What 
would happen if we all did the same?

Albert - KDE i18n coordinator
gnome-i18n mailing list

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