
I'm really proud (and shamed for the delay) to finally present to all of
you the first survey to our GNOME i18n community!

First of all, a BIG THANK YOU!! to all coordinators who replied [0]

Quick links:
- raw data: [1] 
- ods with all the data gathered: [2] [3] [4]

I wholeheartedly encourage everyone to read all raw data, they are
really insightful are interesting, I learned a lot of tools and

But as not everyone will have the time the following lines gives some
quick & dirty statistics gathered from the ods summary and some steps
forward that I think come out from the statistics:


- Teams range from 1 or 2 to +15 members (average to 3 members per team)

- Nearly all work is made by volunteers (only 2 or 3 teams have paid

- All teams use mailing lists to coordinate (and some other tools)

- On the need help/advice question coordinators asked to help work with
the documentation po files and Q&A tools/processes

- 19 out of 36 teams (52%) start working around string freeze (~1 month
before next GNOME release)

- Practically all of them use glossaries and translation guidelines

- To keep track of translation issues most use bugzilla and/or D-L but
Asturian uses a specific software for this (could you elaborate Xandru?)

- Few teams have gone to their language official institution with
miscellaneous results

- 19 out of 36 teams (52%) pass Q&A tools before committing

- 4 out of 36 teams (11%) don't use D-L, all others use it to some kind
of degree

- D-L scores a 3,7!! (from 1 bad to 5 perfect)

- 13 of 36 teams ask for git commit along with other improvements (be
sure to read them all!)

- There's a good relation with downstream translators (mostly Ubuntu,
Fedora and other distros)


From the replies above we can say that the coordinators are quite
comfortable and used to D-L.

Most of them didn't gave a 5 (instead they gave a 4) to D-L just because
it doesn't have git commits. Now that we are discussing if switching to
Transifex, keeping D-L or something else, having D-L to support git
commits [5] can weight a lot on D-L side.

Nearly all teams use a glossary so it would be really useful to
create/use a tool to generate an automatic glossary out of the
translations already submitted.

The automatically updated po file downloaded from Damned-Lies could be
improved if the above glossary existed pre-translating (marking them as
fuzzy and maybe from which module comes the string) the po file so that
instead of starting a module with 100% 0% 0% (translated, fuzzy, done)
it's already 80% 20% 0%.

That's all, I hope that the data can be useful.

Again, thanks to all coordinators for their time!

Happy translating!

[0] 36 out of 119 coordinators, so 30% coverage



[3] You will notice that there are 4 teams that only have data on the
ods and there isn't a counterpart in raw files. Their team leaders asked
to just publish the summary and not the raw data.

[4] If you wonder the teams order is based on when I get the reply, so
first team was Belarussian and the last one Danish.

[5] Claude reports that's on sysadmin side, I recall hearing from him
that he has working code.

gil forcada

[ca] guifi.net - una xarxa lliure que no para de créixer
[en] guifi.net - a non-stopping free network
bloc: http://gil.badall.net
planet: http://planet.guifi.net

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