Hi Mostafa
web interfaces for localization have their own good and bad. I think the
current method works really fine. And there had been thoughts on it.
The important part now is the translation itself. Please come back to the
team and let's make the persian alive again.
We will finally find a good coordinator or even at worst situations imagine
like starting a new team!

I read your website and I see you are a very active and good translator in
different areas.
So please be positive. and COME!
We need you.
and don't forget: with or without a coordinator , with or without a
different translation interface, we all want gnome been translated into
thank you for your consideration

Mahayr Moghimi
Iranian Free Software Users Group - www.IFSUG.ORG

I want to add my two points ;
> gnome uses a very annoying approach for translation interface (
> damned-lies <http://git.gnome.org/browse/damned-lies/> ). it's always
> hard to commit translation's files into gits for translators and
> coordinators. Gnome should use other trans-instances like pootle or
> transifex. this will decrease the current work flow, just
> translate-submit (direct commit) not translate-bug-submit (indirect). I,
> myself, give up translating here just because of this peculiar approach
> of l10n - Gnome.
> the second, as Roozbeh mentioned here and before he has no time for the
> Gnome translation coordination.so take an opportunity to reshape the
> team with a new leadership. Ok let's ask who wants to take this
> position? older members, are you around?
> --
> Mostafa
> http://mostafadaneshvar.com/
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فصل سوم -اصل 25 از قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی ایران ( که به عنوان نوعی از
حکومت در تاریخ های دهم و یازدهم فروردین  ماه 1358 با اکثریت 98/2%  توسط ملت
ایران اعتبار پیدا کرد) و  دلالت دارد بر عدم تعرض به حریم شخصی شهروندان  :
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تجسس ممنوع است مگر به حکم قانون." همچنین مطابق  ماده 12 اعلامیه جهانی حقوق
بشر (1327(  با رای مثبت دولت ایران در همین سال ) تصویب شده است مطابق متن
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