Hi Roozbeh
first of all thank you very much for your consideration.
that would be very good if some old translators become active again.
Do you know mohi(mohammad reza mirdamadi)?
he is a very active guy in launchpad translation,may be the only active in
launchpad fa reviewers rght now. He is a friend of mine and an active member
of Mashhadlug and the owner of linuxshop.
may be you can talk to him about the coordination.may be he will accept.
By the way there is not much time for the next release of ubuntu, so I
really want to make these translations ready for then.
can you guess when would a new coordinator be available?
will they accept? what if none of them accepts! because no one is working on
the project right now, and coordination is harder than translation. so if
they don't have time for translation they won't have time for coordination.
I still hope that works and again I thank you very much for working on this

Mahyar Moghimi
Iranian Free Software Users Group - www.IFSUG.org

On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 11:21 AM, Roozbeh Pournader <rooz...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Mahyar,
> I'm talking to other old members of the Persian translation team to hand
> over the coordinatorship, as I don't have the time any more. In the
> meanwhile, please file bugs in the GNOME bugzilla for your translations
> against the Persian translations module, and see if you can get any of the
> other people who have translated stuff to review your work (check for other
> bugs against the same module). I personally do not have the time to do
> thorough reviews these days, but will be able to do a second review after
> somebody reviews your work.
> Best,
> Roozbeh
> On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 11:21 PM, mahyar moqimi 
> <mahyar.moq...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi
>> With great thanks to everyone here for all your efforts in gnome and free
>> software.
>> It's a bit more than two weeks that I have started translating gnome to
>> Persian.
>> I sent an email to the coordinator in the address:
>> http://l10n.gnome.org/teams/fa
>> and also to the list specified. but I got no answer.
>> Does any body know if there has been a change in addresses or people which
>> is not mentioned.
>> or is there a coordinator available/active for persian.
>> I have done these translations so far and they need review:
>> http://l10n.gnome.org/users/moonfriend/
>> sincerely
>> Mahyar Moghimi
>> www.ifsug.org - Iranian Free Software Users Group
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