2010/6/3 Jean Cayron <jean.cay...@gmail.com>:
> Tirumurti and Funda,
> Thanks for you answer but in the context it doesn't make sense. In
> KAdressBook and in Evolution's Contacts for a particular contact (a
> person) you have two dates you can fill: "birthday" and "anniversary".
> It's not for an event. There's is no different types of anniversary. I
> can translate it with two different words "Date di skepiaedje" and
> "Aniviersaire" but as a user, I don't know which one (or both) to fill
> in. It's why I was inquiring if in a particular language there was a
> difference between these two concepts APPLIED TO A PERSON, not an
> event.

Yes, because for a spouse, you could fill in both the birthday and the
anniversary field with a particular date in the year. They are not
events as such, but information about dates that are important
concerning this person.

Regards Kenneth

> Regards,
> Djan
> 2010/6/3 Tirumurti Vasudevan <agnih...@gmail.com>:
>> no.
>> birthday = the day you or someone dear to you were born.
>> anniversary = annual day of an event. may be an organisation started by you.
>> the day you were married etc.
>> tv
> 2010/6/3 Funda Wang <fundaw...@gmail.com>:
>> They are not same.
>> You could have a wedding anniversary, but not wedding birthday.
>> 2010/6/3 Jean Cayron <jean.cay...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hello both communities,
>>> I've seen something strange in both programs Kontact and Evolution: in
>>> the contact there is "Birthday" and "Anniversary". What's the
>>> difference??? It's the same, isn't it?
>>> Djan
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