On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 02:04, Mattias Põldaru <mahf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ühel kenal päeval, P, 2010-05-16 kell 21:55, kirjutas helix84:
> Not to waste any resources (which voting one or the other out would do,
> not sure about Marcel, but Peter probably would leave because of that,
> just my impression), you could have two subteams, both coordinate their
> work to their best.

As I understand what you wrote, you may have missed that Peter was
already elected. This topic was raised because current coordinator
refused to step down.

> Set up local svn server and give any translator account and the right to
> commit there. When commit is done, the server sends emails with diff [1]
> to the team. Anyone can review and respond.
> Let's say Peter is the first warden of svn for he's subteam and when he
> responds to an e-mail of diff with "approved to be committed upstream"
> message, Marcel either commits it as it is without reading, or if he
> stumbles upon mistakes, he could ask these to be fixed.

Basically, nothing prevents this workflow currently as Peter has had
reviewer rights for some time. The problem is translations are stuck
in the "Committing" state because Marcel won't commit them without
going through them completely.
Even in the case you suggested the bottleneck remains. But this was
not the only issue with the current coordinator.

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