Hi everybody,

I quit working for Scalix quite a while ago and I have no real clue if evolution-scalix is officially maintained by Scalix anymore. I am therefore cc'ing Gren Elliot from Scalix/Xandros fame.


On 19.10.2009, at 11:15, Andre Klapper wrote:

CC'ing maintainer.

Am Sonntag, den 18.10.2009, 20:22 -0200 schrieb Leonardo Ferreira
Watching the commit log for the Scalix connector for Evolution, I see
that in the last 1 year and 4 months all commits were done by
translators, except for two which were related to the .doap file.
Besides, there was no response an i18n bug I reported 16 months ago.

Which makes me think: could the translation commits be avoiding the
Git administrators to notice development is stalled?

Why should git admins notice at all, and how?

Anyway, I believe we should stop translating evolution-scalix, at
least for now.

Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <leonar...@gnome.org>
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