On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 12:29 PM, Refdoc<ref...@crosswire.org> wrote:
> The glossary - [...] can you give me a link, please?

It's in the GNOME repository. Here:


> I will go ahead and identify what exactly I need updated and work on
> that first. Do you wish me to file bugs and attach the new po to that or
> is the fact that something is x% fuzzy/untranslated good enough and
> posting a po on the mailing list will do?

No mailing list please. And personal mail to me can get lost or
forgotten. Always use the GNOME bugzilla. And use different bugs for
different PO files (but the same bug for updates to a PO file if the
bug is still open).

I don't understand your comment about x% fuzzy/untranslated. Please reword.

> Wrt review - if I find someone who would volunteer as a reviewer, would
> this do? I guess this might be the only way this will move forward right
> now.

Yes. If someone who knows technical Persian well enough actually goes
through the translations and checks things like glossary usage and
correct spelling, orthography, grammar, and style, it helps a lot. I
would review it myself after that to make sure the reviewer has done a
good enough job, but reviewers are what we are very short of at the

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