Seeing the response on the related subject in the Esperanto thread, I
may have been presumptuous to request write access, but I would like to
see some way of resolving this deadlock.
Any suggestions welcome.



Refdoc wrote:
> Hi,
> I am Peter von Kaehne, a developer in CrossWire Bible Society (open
> source cross platform Bible software project) and Farsi translator of
> Xiphos (formerly GnomeSword - a Gnome/GTK based frontend to Crosswire's
> offerings).
> Xiphos relies in parts on translations coming from central Gnome related
> libraries.
> Over the last year or so I have noticed that these centrally provided
> translations suffering quite a bit under bit-rot and this is now
> affecting us as a project quite badly as central items like "quit" etc
> are not anymore covered.
> Looking at the translation statistics
> and
> it is clear that the current state is not good and that there is steady
> decline over the last couple of years.
> Looking at the steadiness of the decline, the large number of fuzzy
> terms, the list of open bugs, the number of patches submitted (sometimes
> complete new po files), the lack of review, the number of pings by Andre
> Klapper  and the date of most of these (nearly all in 2008) I am not
> sure if there is any action at the moment.
> I have tried several times in 2008 and 2009 to contact Roozbeh directly
> (never yet on this mailing list) about matters of Farsi translation,
> lists of approved words etc but got no response. I am not even anymore
> sure that the email addresses publicly listed are those which are
> currently still active.
> I most certainly do not want to kickstart a new round of the rather
> upsetting thread from last year on this very subject
> , but am wondering what I can do about the matter.
> Personally I would like to get the various underlying libraries updated.
> I believe that the even going through the "fuzzy" translations and
> "unfuzzying" things which are clear cut, would improve the state of
> affairs enormously.
> I am not even remotely as accomplished a translator as many contributors
> here in the past, but in the light of current and lasting inactivity I
> would rather step up to the mark and deliver something potentially
> incomplete and buggy, then leaving things as they are right now. My
> personal experience with these matters is that producing
> something/anything in such sensitive areas as translations is often
> enough to get others, better qualified but less motivated into action.
> The embarassement of buggy translations is just too big to keep shtum :-)
> So, what is it I am asking for?
> I would like to get direct write access to the translations for the
> underlying libraries. I intend to limit myself to the matters most
> concerning to my own projects and to refrain from doing anything
> controversial. I most certainly would not touch the stuff causing so
> much aggro last year. I am willing to work closely under some sort of
> guidance/mentoring scheme/coordinator/whatever. I would also relinquish
> my write access immediately once it becomes obvious that I can not keep
> up with the relevant commitment. As I am an unknown here on Gnome I can
> understand if this is asking for too much, but I do ask you to consider
> this please anyway, in the light of the obviuous decline of Farsi Gnome.
> If Roozbeh re-emerges and starts doing things (now or later) I would
> obviously immediately cease working independently and submit to his
> guidance in things (or indeed withdraw completely) as he is a much much
> better translator that I can ever hope to be.
> Karl Kleinpaste, the lead developer from Xiphos (
> can provide a reference for me in terms of my working practices,
> willingness to work in a team and subject to authority etc. Any passing
> Iranian can obviously have a look at xiphos and see if they are deeply
> dissatisfied with its translation into Farsi.
> yours
> Peter
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