On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 13:57 +0800, "Howard" <howard.zh...@hisoft.com>
> Leonardo,
> Thanks for your information!
> There is several issue confused me, and need your support. 
> 1. How can I submit the translation to Damned Lies? Or can I submit them
> across Canonical?

After registering in DL and reserving a module for translation, you are
given the option to upload the message catalog. Don't use Rosetta unless
you want your translations to show up only in Ubuntu.

> 2. If these process is not available for me, how can I contact the module
> owner to reviewing translation?

The process I described is available to everyone, you don't even need
authorization to join a translation team.

> 3. BTW, my team also translated Xournal and updated Gthumb both for es_MX
> and pt_BR; may I contribute them to GNOME for reviewing? And what is the
> process?

You'll have to contact the Xournal dev team directly. The process for
Gthumb is the same as for the rest of the software hosted by GNOME.
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