
William Jon McCann <mcc...@jhu.edu>, Wed, 11 Feb 2009 09:44:49 -0500:

> I don't think there is any need to get hysterical.  It seems to me
> that what Matthias says is true.  I am free to do (almost) anything I
> want with my project.  

You may act as a demiurge but then you can't expect translators to be much
willing to contribute to your ego, err, project. And so your project loses.
Be nice and helpful to them and your project wins.

> However, because of the beauty of our license -
> so are you!  

Hypothetically speaking, yes.

> Some reasons that I agreed to move gnome-screensaver to
> git included: translators would still have ssh access to commit, there
> was already a git guide for translators on the wiki/web.  However,
> after I was told that translators weren't prepared to make this
> adjustment and faced with the prospect of doing more work to manually
> merge translations into git myself, I agreed to move back to svn.

And so you're being nice, that's great.
> When we move to git immediately after 2.26.0 I trust that everyone
> will be informed and ready to tackle the workflow changes that result.
>  I suggest that instead of continuing this conversation we focus on
> making sure we're ready.

Translators will be ready if maintainers send the appropriate message in
time. Then everything will be OK, no doubt.

Best regards,
Petr Kovar
gnome-i18n mailing list

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