On 12/23/08, Mikel <mikelis...@yahoo.es> wrote:
> I see that there is a team of Gnome in launchpad.net
> https://launchpad.net/gnome
>  Currently we (asturian team) works in launchpad translating Ubuntu and I
> download the translations to submit to bugzilla.gnome.org.
>  My question is if we can have an asturian translators team for Gnome in
> launchpad and, in that case, we have to submit the translations to bugzilla
> or launchpad it's synchronized with svn.gnome.org?

Launchpad is for Ubuntu only. If you translate in Launchpad, only
Ubuntu will automatically benefit. There is *no* synchronization to
the GNOME SVN repository.

GNOME SVN is "upstream" and everything that is contributed to GNOME
SVN will therefore automatically benefit all distributions, including
Ubuntu and everything else. What you translate in GNOME SVN will soon
arrive in Launchpad, and in the counterparts of other distributions.
For this reason, translating directly to GNOME SVN instead of in
Launchpad makes a lot of sense.

That being said, if you still want to continue to translate inside
Launchpad and have questions and requests regarding that service,
please contact Launchpad staff. Launchpad is in no way affiliated with

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