On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 8:26 PM, Mohammad Foroughi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Instead I want to have all current po files+glossary. May I have them?

The glossary is in the CVS. Check the module named "gnome-i18n". It's
in the directory named "glossary".

Please file a bug if you found a conflict with existing translations.

>  To tell you the truth, I'll say "you are completely true" ONLY WHEN I
>  get all po files of Sharif Linux, abd be able to post all of them to SVN
>  (myself of through a team member).

All the GNOME-related PO files of Sharif Linux 2 have *already* been
checked in to the GNOME subversion. I have done that personally, so
there is no need to post all of them to SVN.

Still, if you are interested in the Sharif Linux 2 source code (which
has the exact POs used in Sharif Linux 2 for it's GNOME 2.10), you can
get it from FarsiWeb. It is explained here:


Good luck,
Roozbeh Pournader
gnome-i18n mailing list

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