Daniel Nylander skreiv:
> tor 2008-02-28 klockan 19:52 +0100 skrev Åsmund Skjæveland:
>> Is there a tool that would allow me to compare two revisions of a PO 
>> file, to see which translated strings are new and if necessary reject or 
>> edit them? diff is next to useless with PO files.
> You can try podiff, which is a Swedish hack originally for the Swedish
> GNU TP Team. It has some bugs but works quite ok.
> http://www.uddeborg.pp.se/sv/podiff
> It's a Swedish hack, that's why it puts "N" in front of new strings and
> "G" in front of old strings (the Swedish word for "old" is "gammal").

Can't find the server, is the URL coorect?

Åsmund Skjæveland
gnome-i18n mailing list

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