sön 2007-07-22 klockan 13:24 -0400 skrev Willie Walker:

> getting GNOME accepted in very large distributions.  For example, at
> GUADEC last week, we learned that accessibility played a major role in
> the decision to use GNOME for Guadalinex.  Guadalinex saw 185,000
> deployments in Spain last year.  Without the Spanish translation for
> Orca, I don't think this would have been possible.  I'm also seeing
> signs of this type of decision being made in other countries, so your
> work is very very valuable.  Way to go, everyone!

Thank you, Willie for making this possible.

I recently got funding from the Swedish Internet Fund [1] for
translating GNOME applications/documentation in regard to help out
people with need for accessibility functions. The project will also
include persons from the Swedish Association of the Visually Impaired
[2]. Without Orca, this would have been a difficult task.

[1] http://iis.se/english/fou/fund.shtml?lang=en
[2] http://www.srfriks.org/english/inenglish.htm

Daniel Nylander
Stockholm, Sweden

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