On Wed, 2007-07-04 at 18:34 -0400, Luis Alejandro González Miranda
> That happens in Mapudungun too. The preferred form is to put the
> conjunction between each term:
> Tom ka Dick
> Tom ka Dick ka Harry
> Tom ka Dick ka Harry ka Sally
> I wonder if there's a need for a list starter and/or ender. Like, say:
> {list-start}Tom{list-delimiter}Dick{list-delimiter}Harry{list-finaldelimiter}Sally{list-end}
> The *first* list-delimiter could be a special case. Or is that too baroque?

Well, the question is whether any languages need that.
Only translators can answer that question.  You won't
have any problems with Mapudungun, since you can just
translate everything to "ka":

msgid ", "
msgstr " ka "

msgid " and "
msgstr " ka "

msgid ", and "
msgstr " ka "

Easy.  But if anybody does need something like list
starters or enders, they need to tell me so I can
add some code to handle it.

And, by the way, a big thanks to everybody who's
replied.  Internationalized document formatting is
hard, and I can't do it without your help.


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