Hi Davit,

On Tuesday at 12:22, Davit Davtian wrote:

> The existing Armenian(HY) Translation of Gnome is not a native
> Armenian it is an Incorrect Translation in non-native Armenian
> Language with mixed Russian stream and a mixture of English / Latin
> words, and it has nothing to do with the current spoken
> native-Armenian language by over 10 millions Armenians living inside
> and outside of the Armenian Country.)

Are you saying that the current Armenian translation is bad?  We'd
want to fix it if that's the case, not add another team. (it's
currently only at 10% for Gnome 2.18[1])

Have you emailed and discussed this with Norayr (CCed)?

In my experience, when one is just starting, it's hard to come up with
a clean translation right away.  So, I consider translation to be
iterative process, improving with every cycle.

So, if this is the only problem, we'd want to have default Armenian
GNOME translation be suitable for majority of Armenian people, and
thus we'd like you to work together with Norayr.

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