On Tue, 7 Mar 2006, Roozbeh Pournader wrote:

> روز سه‌شنبه، 2006-03-07 ساعت 21:42 -0500، Behdad Esfahbod نوشت:
> > Seems like the commits script is messing up a bit.  See this one
> > for example, my commit on vte has been mixed with a translators
> > in straw:
> >
> >   
> > http://mail.gnome.org/archives/cvs-commits-list/2006-February/msg06319.html
> >
> > Sorry if it's old news,
> Bonsai also returns weird results:
> http://cvs.gnome.org/bonsai/cvsquery.cgi?branch=&dir=vte&who=behdad&date=explicit&mindate=2006-02-25%2019:12&maxdate=2006-02-25%2019:14
> (Check the change in fa.po)

The fa.po is actually correct.  Whenever source code changes such
that the line numbers of translatable messages are affected, upon
certain activities (make distcheck?), a new pot-file is generated
and so merged with translations before making them.  This is
quite a known problem, mostly affecting the less technical
translators that do not merge from CVS.

To hide the problem, I have export LINGUAS="en fa" in my bash
profile, so only fa.po is regenerated in my checkouts.

> roozbeh


"Commandment Three says Do Not Kill, Amendment Two says Blood Will Spill"
        -- Dan Bern, "New American Language"
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