Is there something I can help in regards to the Sun translations
mentioned? I'm in the Globalization group that provided the translations.


Danilo Šegan wrote On 02/22/06 10:39,:
> Dear translators,
> By the mighty Shaun, our fellow GDP leader, we present you Gnome2 User
> Guide in translatable PO files:
> It measures a tiny 2452 strings, something a translator can do in a
> single afternoon.  Yeah, right :)
> Note that docs are not in the string freeze, and our docs team is
> rocking in this cycle, so yes, User Guide is still pretty much
> changing (and, you'll see that changing as well, since the stats page
> is updated several times a day).
> However, whoever dares to tackle the user guide for their own language
> will help the docs team as well: you'll probably notice typos and
> other things by being what we, translators, usually are: proofreaders
> of English text throughout Gnome :)
> Also, there are some old Sun-contributed translations which need
> migrating (contacting Luca Feretti, who did Italian migration, might
> be a good idea: he at least knows on which revision of the master
> files was Italian translation based, and it might be the same one for
> other languages :).
> Cheers,
> Danilo
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