Hi Joachim,

Today at 21:24, Joachim Noreiko wrote:

> I wish I could say that there were some of the xml
> files that make up the guide that are not going to be
> changing. But there is still work to do on all of
> them.

That's ok, this is why we've pushed for having docs translations in PO
format: it eases tracking changes and updating even when docs change.

Basically, if you want to help translators, and it makes sense, try to
reuse existing text content (structure is irrelevant, move everything
around as you please).  Of course, don't do it at the cost of
documentation clarity, but you already know that. ;)

> The only one I'm unlikely to get round to doing more
> work on is gosbasic.xml, as it's low on my list of priorities.

Thanks for the tip! Translators: look for source references mentioning
gosbasic.xml in the PO file if you want to start with something that
is most likely not changing. 

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