Yesterday at 21:40, Roozbeh Pournader wrote:

> To understand these, you should know that I became the Persian
> translation coordinator only because I was the first translator (and the
> only translator for a while), not because I have been elected or
> anything. But nobody has challenged my role either, as far as I can
> tell.

The main point is that for any language, GTP assigns a *single*
coordinator so we can wash our hands from this sort of problems.

Basically, we listen to what a coordinator has to say about any issue,
and respect her opinion, until she is replaced as a coordinator for
any particular language.

All of the other issues are, IMHO, internal team issues, and not "under
GTP jurisdiction" :)

That doesn't mean that we can't have a personal opinion on any of
them, but they'd be just that: personal opinions.

If it's not clear, I'd like you to try resolving this on your own,
since the only options we at the GTP have are:
 - what coordinator says is final
 - replacing coordinator provided enough evidence of inappropriate

Anyway, until this is resolved it is my opinion that whatever you
Roozbeh, as a coordinator, suggest is right, we should take as is,
since we are /not/ competent to judge on the merits of any linguistic
issues pertaining to Persian.  It's only you who can give a blanket
approval to your own translators for committing translations.

This is not meant to insult Behdad, but only to suggest that we are
incapable of judging in his favour, so we use the simplest rule: team
coordinator's word is final.  Behdad is, of course, welcome to both
challenge Roozbeh's position as a coordinator, or to involve us all in
a discussion that may lead to changing positions of any or both of
you.  But such discussion is going to be only a "friendly" discussion,
and I'll share my opinion (if anyone is interested :) when Behdad

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