On 16/09/2005, at 5:10 AM, Roozbeh Pournader wrote:

I am writing this email because of my frustration with a situation in
the Persian GNOME team. I am seeking the advice of other people in the
GNOME project.

Roozbeh, i feel for you, particularly, in this situation, since the team co-ordinator has to carry the responsibility and make the tough choices. The difficulty of getting clear rulings on copyright matters possibly only complicates the difficulty of managing a group of quite different people living all over the world, by email and/or chat over less-than-reliable connections.

Danilo makes the key point here: you have the authority. Don't try to please everybody: you can't. Make the best decisions you can at the time.

Don't take every failure personally. I have an excellent team-leader who, until recently, had no translators at all. He had put in a lot of effort, with no result, for reasons which are really cultural and situational, not personal at all. He put up another rather automatic plea on our mailing list and I got involved. He's my son's age, but he's the boss, and I do what he says. People who join a language team, whether they know it or not, do so under those rules.

I'm probably over-simplifying the problem, but it doesn't hurt to do that sometimes to a nasty tangle. The main thread is that the team- leader makes the decisions. Your team has evidently made a lot of progress under your leadership, so please don't let this unpleasant situation distract you from that fact. Translators come and go, as I will, when I am no longer able to translate. Keen and responsible team-leaders who persevere with that difficult job are outstanding assets, and we never want to lose one.

Hang in there. :)

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

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