On พ., 2005-08-17 at 09:22 +0800, Abel Cheung wrote:
> On 8/17/05, Simos Xenitellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Suppose the resources to translate to a specific language are not there
> > but there is a dictionary available.
> > It's possible to autotranslate the user-interface words so that the text
> > appears as
> > 
> > Before: Press here
> > After: Press(Pulse) here(aqui)
> > 
> > Would that be useful?
> One possible application of such approach is teaching novice translators
> visually how to translate, and how translations are shown on UI. There
> are problems Danilo already noted, as well as UI problem (layout may
> change or break because of more lengthy translations, but that's UI's
> problem); but this approach is indeed interesting.

Another application is for people learning a new language. They can work
on their new vocabulary/reading skills while still being able to do
their normal day-to-day work. Eventually they may even feel proficient
enough to switch completely.

If such a feature was added (as an option) to the GNOME desktop user
preferences, I'd use it.

However, I still it would be even cooler (and less cluttered) to be able
to toggle between two languages (and have all the windows re-translate
themselves on the fly) as easily as switching between keyboard layouts.
This would also work for languages where translating individual words is
not so straightforward (as the real, full, confirmed translation will
then be visible). I still haven't looked for or reported this as a
feature request in bugzilla yet (/me kicks himself).


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