Hi Joanie,

Thanks for putting me on the right track.
Speech Dispatcher's documentation still refers to IETF RFC 1766, which has
been obsoleted by several other RFCs...

Best regards,


Am Di, 22.01.2013, 13:56 schrieb Joanmarie Diggs:
> On 01/22/2013 07:29 AM, Christophe Strobbe wrote:
>> What I had expected were language that conform to IETF BCP 47: Tags for
>> Identifying Languages: <https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47>. This would
>> make it easier for an external program, like Cloud4all's framework, to
>> launch Orca with a specific TTS language. For example, Cloud4all could
>> then rely on standard language tags instead of knowing Orca's
>> non-standard
>> list.
> It's not Orca's non-standard list.
> $ python
>>>> import speechd
>>>> client = speechd.SSIPClient('foo')
>>>> client.list_synthesis_voices()
> (('afrikaans', 'af', 'none'), ('bulgarian-test', 'bg', 'none'),
> ('bosnian', 'bs', 'none'), ('catalan', 'ca', 'none'), ('czech', 'cs',
> 'none'), ('welsh-test', 'cy', 'none'), ('danish', 'da', 'none'),
> ('german', 'de', 'none'), ('greek', 'el', 'none'), ('default', 'en',
> 'none'), ('en-scottish', 'en', 'sc'), ('english', 'en', 'uk'),
> ('lancashire', 'en', 'uk-north'), ('english_rp', 'en', 'uk-rp'),
> ('english_wmids', 'en', 'uk-wmids'), ('english-us', 'en', 'us'),
> ('en-westindies', 'en', 'wi'), ('esperanto', 'eo', 'none'), ('spanish',
> 'es', 'none'), ('spanish-latin-american', 'es', 'la'), ('estonian',
> 'et', 'none'), ('finnish', 'fi', 'none'), ('french', '(Belgium)', 'fr'),
> ('french', 'fr', 'fr'), ('greek-ancient', 'grc', 'none'), ('hindi',
> 'hi', 'none'), ('croatian', 'hr', 'none'), ('hungarian', 'hu', 'none'),
> ('armenian', 'hy', 'none'), ('armenian-west', 'hy', 'west'),
> ('indonesian-test', 'id', 'none'), ('icelandic-test', 'is', 'none'),
> ('italian', 'it', 'none'), ('lojban', 'jbo', 'none'), ('georgian-test',
> 'ka', 'none'), ('kannada', 'kn', 'none'), ('kurdish', 'ku', 'none'),
> ('latin', 'la', 'none'), ('latvian', 'lv', 'none'), ('macedonian-test',
> 'mk', 'none'), ('malayalam', 'ml', 'none'), ('nahuatl', '-',
> 'classical'), ('dutch-test', 'nl', 'none'), ('norwegian', 'no', 'none'),
> ('papiamento-test', 'pap', 'none'), ('polish', 'pl', 'none'), ('brazil',
> 'pt', 'br'), ('portugal', 'pt', 'pt'), ('romanian', 'ro', 'none'),
> ('russian_test', 'ru', 'none'), ('slovak', 'sk', 'none'), ('albanian',
> 'sq', 'none'), ('serbian', 'sr', 'none'), ('swedish', 'sv', 'none'),
> ('swahili-test', 'sw', 'none'), ('tamil', 'ta', 'none'), ('turkish',
> 'tr', 'none'), ('vietnam', 'vi', 'none'), ('Mandarin', 'zh', 'none'),
> ('cantonese', 'zh', 'yue'))
> --joanie (Orca project lead)
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Christophe Strobbe
Akademischer Mitarbeiter
Adaptive User Interfaces Research Group
Hochschule der Medien
Nobelstraße 10
70569 Stuttgart
Tel. +49 711 8923 2749

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