On 01/06/2012 04:55 PM, Christian Hofstader wrote:
> "Sometimes accessibility lags behind…" is an accurate  statement. My question 
> is why Gnome Foundation would consider a11y issues to have a priority lower 
> than any other feature of the software. By permitting a11y to "lag behind" 
> other features, it is effectively put on the back burner and will require  
> a11y hackers to try to retrofit  access in a most inconvenient manners.

I just want to confirm that GNOME Foundation was always supportive to
the Accessibility team. Examples:
  * We had 2 accessibility hackfests on 2010, one in 2011 and in January
2012 we will have another one. Those hackfests were and are possible
thanks to the Foundation and Travel Committee support.
  * They keep contacting companies in an attempt to support
accessibility. For example Mozilla foundation.
  * They personally (people like Stormy Peters, Karen Sandler, Brian
Cameron) asks now and then if they can do something to help us.
  * This Friends of GNOME Campaign is the last example of GNOME
Foundation support.
  * etc

I don't want to sound harsh, but your "why..." question is somewhat unfair.
> Also, allowing a11y to lag makes my job really hard. I'm trying to convince 
> all sorts of groups to use free software and that free software a11y is good 
> enough to use full time. I'm also trying to convince people that the free 
> software community cares about a11y but the consumers see little evidence to 
> this fact.

As I said they are helping to improve the development of the
accessibility support. "allowing a11y to lag" is not the proper term here.


Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias

gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

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