Thanks dear Mark.
Actually the atomtype C is more suitable for C atom of formyl and not CT1!

The same as before I get the no default bonds/angles/dihedral errors . You 
explained what I am suppose. 
I can understand the way of matching the coordinate file and atom types in .rtp 
file. But it's not clear for me that what I am supposed to check? bonds? I 
don't know what I need to do.
If I look for the bonds/dihedrals and then don't find them, what's the next 


----- Original Message -----
From: Mark Abraham <>
To: Discussion list for GROMACS users <>
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 6:29 AM
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Diagnosing + system blowing up

On 29/07/2012 11:40 PM, Shima Arasteh wrote:
> I did the exercise as you said.
> A .pdb file of ACE and VAL. I ran the pdb2gmx, entered none as the N-terminus 
> and COO- as the C-terminus. The atomtyps that charmm selects for the acetyl 
> is as below:
>     1        CT3      1    ACE    CH3      1      -0.27     12.011   ; qtot 
>       2         HA      1    ACE   HH31      2       0.09      1.008   ; qtot 
>       3         HA      1    ACE   HH32      3       0.09      1.008   ; qtot 
>       4         HA      1    ACE   HH33      4       0.09      1.008   ; qtot >0
>       5          C      1    ACE      C      5       0.51     12.011   ; qtot 
>       6          O      1    ACE      O      6      -0.51     15.999   ; qtot >0
> I thought that when H is instead of CH3 group, I will have a C atom of type 
> CT1 in formyl.

Look at the definition of CT1 in atomtypes.atp... does the description 
there suit HC(O)NH-?

> But when I entered the grompp command I got 13 errors as kind of the errors 
> got befor ( no default bonds or... )
> What do you suggest me? Any other homework to do? I will do!

I already talked about looking to see whether formyl atom types even 
exist... pdb2gmx has to match the atom names in the coordinate file to 
the atom names in the .rtp to look up the atom types and then there has 
to be a bonded type that matches those types. These errors occur when 
the latter is impossible. So you need to find out if these types exist 
in your force field.


> Sincerely,
> Shima
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Shima Arasteh <>
> To: Discussion list for GROMACS users <>
> Cc:
> Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2012 2:44 PM
> Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Diagnosing + system blowing up
>   Uh-huh.................. :-) ;-)
> I visualized the .pdb in VMD and it seems OK.
> All right,  I will do the exercise for tonight. :-)
> Thanks Mark.
> Sincerely,
> Shima
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Mark Abraham <>
> To: Discussion list for GROMACS users <>
> Cc:
> Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2012 6:54 AM
> Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Diagnosing + system blowing up
> On 29/07/2012 4:47 AM, Shima Arasteh wrote:
>> Dear Mark, Thanks for your suggestions.
>> Atom 1 is the C which is expected to connect to the H ( atom 18) . Atom 5 is 
>> tha CA of the next resisue ( Valine), the bond 18-5 is not expected at all!
> Uh-huh... there's a known initial issue with a bond between 18 and 1 and
> later issues with 1-4 interaction between 5 and 1... and now you think
> there is a bond from 18 to 5? This makes no sense.
>>     However I see this pair in the [pairs] section of topology !
>> So I can get the result of an inappropriate bond interaction here! Correct?
>> Now I think it's not necessary to go through the diagnosing steps any more! 
>> :-(
>> What is my duty right now?!
>> Is this problem supposed to be fixed in the .pdb file? What's wrong with the 
>> pdb file? What about erasing the unexpected bond interactions in topology 
>> file?
> As I've said, at least one of your topology and initial coordinates
> don't make sense. If you visualize the coordinates and they make sense,
> then you need to go back and get a proper topology, like Justin said.
> Blindly erasing interactions is ineffective. Go and design it properly,
> probably from the beginning or from what Justin said. As an exercise,
> get a simulation of Val with acetyl and some C-terminal capping residues
> working. Then work out from that example how to define and use an .rtp
> entry that is acetyl-Val. Then adapt that to formyl-Val.
> Mark
>> Sincerely,
>> Shima
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Mark Abraham <>
>> To: Discussion list for GROMACS users <>
>> Cc:
>> Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2012 7:15 PM
>> Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Diagnoding + system blowing up
>> On 28/07/2012 9:34 PM, Shima Arasteh wrote:
>>>       Hi all,
>>> My system has got BLOWING UP . I followed the protocol in 
>>> and got as 
>>> below:
>>> Step 1: If the crash is happening relatively early (within a few steps), 
>>> set nstxout (or nstxtcout) to 1, capturing all possible frames.  Watch the 
>>> resulting trajectory to see which atoms/residues/molecules become unstable 
>>> first.
>>> I got this warning:
>>> Warning: 1-4 interaction between 5 and 18 at distance 2.003 which is larger 
>>> than the 1-4 table size 2.000 nm
>> Classic symptom of blowing up, and much more so than all of the other 
>> problems you reported. Please get in the habit of reading all the output 
>> before reaching conclusions ;-)
>>> Step 2: Simplify the problem:
>>> If you have a new box of solvent, try minimizing and simulating a single 
>>> molecule to see if the instability is due to some inherent problem with 
>>> the  molecule's topology or if instead there are clashes in your starting 
>>> configuration.
>>> I got this:
>>> Now there are 24 residues with 360 atoms
>>> Making bonds...
>>> Warning: Long Bond (1-18 = 0.357049 nm)
>> So you were ignoring warnings from pdb2gmx...? There's a lesson there - 
>> everything you've done after ignoring that was doomed to fail. It can be 
>> right to ignore a warning, but you should know why it is right. If your 
>> topology defines a bond between atoms that are 0.35nm apart in your starting 
>> configuration, then either your topology or configuration have a serious 
>> problem.
>> So satisfy yourself whether there should be such a bond in the topology, or 
>> whether the starting geometry is silly.
>>> Step 3: Monitor various components of the system's energy using g_energy.  
>>> If an intramolecular term is spiking, that may indicate improper bonded 
>>> parameters, for example.
>>> The improper-dihedral plot is strange. It "goes up in first picoseconds" 
>>> and then goes down slightly.
>> Sure, you probably have some inappropriate bond interaction, so something 
>> has to give. The thing that looks weird is not necessarily the cause of the 
>> problem, though...
>>> I think there is something wrong in dihedrals which I defined in .rtp file 
>>> in the new residue. atom 18 is the H atom of formyl ( Formyl is as the 
>>> N-terminus and  is connected to a Valine residue)
>> And atom 1 or 5 is...? Does that make sense?
>> Mark
>>> Now , what do I need to do? Going to the next step of diagnosing? or no? 
>>> How can I fix the problem?
>>> Would you mind helping me please and give me suggestions?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Shima
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