On 26/01/2012 11:38 AM, Gianluca Interlandi wrote:

I have been going through the How-to for REMD in gromacs:


Is there a recommended value for the exchange interval and does it depend on system size? For example, is an interval of 100 ps appropriate for a sytem with 60,000 atoms? Is a too long interval simply a waste of time or can it actually introduce artefacts?

There's literature by Sindhikara (sp?) and Roitberg that says you should have a short an interval as possible, and other literature that says you shouldn't go shorter than around the autocorrelation time of PE, ~1ps. I don't buy the former, and think some of their data support the latter, and have some of my own not-ready-for-publication data that I think suggests artefacts from the former. Work from Hansmann et al suggests that achieving steady-state replica flow is rather tricky even for seemingly trivial peptides, so increasing the number of exchange attempts might help a little. I'm not aware of any good case for a long interval between attempts.

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