bipin singh wrote:
I am using the below .m2p file as input for xpm2ps, but not able to
get axis range label.

What axis range do you obtain? If your data do not actually span from -4 to 4, there's not much you can do. I was assuming you had data that did fit this range. You also didn't say which tool produced the .xpm file; some programs can be forced to adjust the data range, but others can't.


; Matrix options
titlefont       = Helvetica     ; Matrix title Postscript Font name
titlefontsize   = 20.0          ; Matrix title Font size (pt)
legend          = yes           ; Show the legend
legendfont      = Helvetica     ; Legend name Postscript Font name
legendfontsize  = 12.0          ; Legend name Font size (pt)
legendlabel                     ; Used when there is none in the .xpm
legend2label                    ; Id. when merging two xpm's
xbox            = 0           ; x-size of a matrix element
ybox            = 0          ; y-size of a matrix element
matrixspacing   = 20.0          ; Space between 2 matrices
xoffset         = 0.0           ; Between matrix and bounding box
yoffset         = 0.0           ; Between matrix and bounding box

; X-axis options
x-lineat0value  = no            ; Draw line at matrix value==0
x-major         = 4        ; Major tick spacing
x-minor         = 2         ; Id. Minor ticks
x-firstmajor    = 0           ; Offset for major tick
x-majorat0      = no            ; Additional Major tick at first frame
x-majorticklen  = 8.0           ; Length of major ticks
x-minorticklen  = 4.0           ; Id. Minor ticks
x-label         =               ; Used when there is none in the .xpm
x-font          = Helvetica     ; Axis label PostScript Font
x-fontsize      = 12            ; Axis label Font size (pt)
x-tickfont      = Helvetica     ; Tick label PostScript Font
x-tickfontsize  = 8             ; Tick label Font size (pt)

;Y-axis options
y-lineat0value  = no
y-major         = 4
y-minor         = 2
y-firstmajor    = 0
y-majorat0      = no
y-majorticklen  = 8.0
y-minorticklen  = 4.0
y-label         =
y-fontsize      = 12
y-font          = Helvetica
y-tickfontsize  = 8
y-tickfont      = Helvetica

On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 00:52, Justin A. Lemkul <> wrote:

bipin singh wrote:

I have xpm matrix file, for converting this file to ps format I am using
e.g: xpm2ps -f file.xpm -o file.eps . But there is no axis range label
mentioned for x and y-axis,
in ps file.Please let me know how to set x and y axis range label in ps
for example I want to set the x and y-axis range from -4 to +4.

Use an .m2p file:



Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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