Dear Chris,

Thanks for your help.
I have also tried the "comm_grps = System" option, and did energy
minimization but after that also water molecular looked like the previous
case (Figure-B, in my previous post).


>  >Dear All,
>  >
>  >I am doing the simulation of POPE lipid + Protein, I did my system
> setup using mdrun_hole program. It looks fine to me
> (Figure-A). When I was doing energy minimization (using steepest decent
> and conjugant gradient algorithm), water molecules diffuse a lot,
> structure looks very weird (Figure-B). But only after 1ps mdrun (NVT
> ensemble) it comes back to its normal (Figure-C). But during this 1ps I
> got lots of LINCE warning, all for water molecules. If I continue my
> simulation (till now ~5ns production run) I do not get any
> problem/warning.
>  >
>  >So I just want to know should I proceed further, or I have to come
> back to my initial state and resolve this problem?
>  >Previously I tried different options by changing value of emtol but I
> could not resolve this problem. So I proceeded. By this mail, I am
> requesting expert comments from you people. Is it normal to Membrane
> simulation or there is some problem in my system? Till now I have not
> encountered any problems/warning.
>  >
>  >Eagerly waiting for your reply,
>  >
>  >Best regards,
>  >Alok Jain
>  >
>  >
>  >@Mark:
>  >Thanks a lot for your reply/comments and time. I am using TIP4P water
> model, and I really could not understand why it happens, Some of the
> bonds of the water molecules are broken down, and after 1ps MD  they
> make bonds again. Is it not very strange? I have tried to visualize in
> different visualization tool but still problem was persisting. I was not
> able to implement your suggestion regarding tolerance limit of the
> visualization software, I used rasmol, chimera, insightII but could not
> found any such option. I am still trying for that, if I could found it,
> I will inform you the result after that.  I am really worried about
> temporary LINCE warning
>  >which I was getting. Is there any way to resolve this issue?
> Use VMD and set your representation to "dynamic bonds", then there is a
> sliding bar that determines how to detect bonds.
> Easier yet, load your initial (presumable ok) structure from figure A
> into VMD, then load in the figure B structure as a new frame
> in the original structure. This will draw the representation of fig B
> using the topology as determined from fig A.
>  >
>  >I am pasting the em.mdp and my top file below.
>  >
>  >@chris: Thanks for your time spent on investigating on my problem.
> Thanks for creating the public album. I am sorry to say I could not get
> your statement "In the worst case scenario that I can imagine, temporary
> lincs warning could represent a chiral inversion that will never be
> resolved and never give you any more warning messages, but would
> definitely give you the wrong answer." could you please explain it a
> little more (in layman term) because as I think there is no Chiral
> center in water so what it
>  >means by chiral inversion.
> Yes, water has no chiral center. But your protein does. In the midst of
> all those LINCS warnings,
> you might have had one about your protein, and it is even possible that
> only the first N LINCS errors
> are reported (you could ask a developer about that) so possibly you have
> protein angles rotating
> too much during minimization steps without knowing it.
> Regarding what I mean by a chiral inversion... If forces get too high in
> EM, it is entirely possible that
> totally unphysical things can happen. To give an MD example, a long time
> ago (using CHARMM) I was doing
> simulated annealing and taking my structure up to 5000K. At that
> temperature, I had some strange rearrangements
> where the Ca of a Trp had a "chiral inversion" (perhaps not the correct
> term?) in which my L-Trp became D-Trp.
> Then upon cooling, the molecule no longer had enough energy to overcome
> this L to D barrier of the improper and
> note that impropers do not enforce L amino acids, they just hinder L->D
> or D->L conversions.
>  >I have also plotted the two plots to validate my final structure of
> mdrun_hole program and uploaded these plots at
>  As
> I pasted below my em.mdp file. I was using FLEXIBLE TIP4P water molecules.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >em.mdp
>  >----------
>  >
>  >define              =  -DFLEXIBLE
>  >constraints         =  none
>  >integrator          =  steep
>  >nsteps              =  10000
>  >;
>  >;       Energy minimizing stuff
>  >;
>  >emtol                    =  100
>  >emstep                 =  0.001
>  >nstcgsteep           =  1000
>  >
>  >comm_mode      =  Linear
>  >nstcomm             =  1
>  >comm_grps        =  Protein_POP SOL
>  >ns_type               =  grid
>  >rlist                       =  0.9
>  >coulombtype       =  PME
>  >rcoulomb             =  0.9
>  >vdw-type              =  Cut-off
>  >rvdw                     =  1.2
>  >fourierspacing     =  0.12
>  >pme_order          =  4
>  >ewald_rtol            =  1e-5
>  >optimize_fft         =  yes
>  >Tcoupl                 =  no
>  >Pcoupl                 =  no
>  >gen_vel               =  no
>  >
>  >
> Are you sure about "comm_grps        =  Protein_POP SOL" ??
> Try with "comm_grps = System"
> Chris.
>  >
>  >top file:
>  >--------------
>  >
>  >; Include forcefield parameters
>  >#include "/home/lysine/ffoplsaa.itp"
>  >
>  >; Include chain topologies
>  >#include "Protein_A.itp"
>  >#include "Protein_B.itp"
>  >#include "Protein_C.itp"
>  >#include "Protein_D.itp"
>  >
>  >#include "pope_opls.itp"
>  >
>  >; Include water topology
>  >#include "tip4p.itp"
>  >
>  >
>  >#ifdef POSRES_WATER
>  >; Position restraint for each water oxygen
>  >[ position_restraints ]
>  >;  i funct       fcx        fcy        fcz
>  >   1    1       10000      10000       10000
>  >#endif
>  >
>  >; Include generic topology for ions
>  >#include "ions.itp"
>  >
>  >[ system ]
>  >; Name
>  >protein + POPE +  TIP4P water molecules
>  >
>  >[ molecules ]
>  >; Compound        #mols
>  >Protein_A           1
>  >Protein_B           1
>  >Protein_C           1
>  >Protein_D           1
>  >POPE               269
>  >SOL              13800
>  >
>  >
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